60th Anniversary Conference 60周年研討會

Time時間 Rundown 程序
8:45am-9:30am Registration登記
9:45am-10:55am Keynote Presentation (1) What is new in ADHD? Review of recent findings in children and young people
10:55am-11:25am Break小休
11:25am-12:45pm Keynote Presentation (2) Attention Autism—teaching natural and spontaneous social communication
12:45pm-2:15pm Lunch 午膳
2:15pm-3:45pm Concurrent Workshops (1) 分組工作坊(1)
1. Effect of Robot Assisted Training (RAT) on Social & Motor Imitation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - A Pilot Clinical Study
機械人輔助訓練有助自閉症兒童增強社交動作模仿能力 - 臨床成效初探
2. Employment Support for Youth with SEN: A Paradigm Shift
3. iReadiLearn: Supporting children at-risk of/ diagnosed with SpLD through Paired-reading
4. Management of Children with Medical Complexity
5. SMART to Write - book launch presentation A Comprehensive Handwriting Training Strategy that Integrates Sensory Integration and Child Development Theories
「醒目學寫字」- 新書分享會 - 結合感覺統合及兒童發展理論的全方位書寫訓練策略
6. Supporting Children and Adolescents with Brain Injury
7. The impact of Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) dogs on children with special needs
輔助治療犬 (AAI) 對有特殊需要的兒童的影響
8. Training with Innovative Technology to Promote Attention & Motor Function in Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
3:45pm-4:00pm Break 小休
4:00pm-5:30pm Concurrent Workshops (2) 分組工作坊(2)
1. Brain Challenge Intervention (BCI) Program - A Comprehensive Self-Management Intervention for ADHD Secondary School Students
「啟動腦潛能」訓練計劃 - 綜合性ADHD中學生自我管理訓練
2. Equipping high-functioning ASD adults for work - multimodal interpersonal communication skills training
裝備高功能自閉症青年投身職場 – 多元人際溝通能力訓練
3. Implement a Strengths-based Case Management model in talent school - experience and case sharing
4. Milestone of Inclusive Preschool Support Service Development – Integration of OPRS and Tier 1 for Supporting Preschool Children with Diverse Needs
學前融合支援服務里程碑 – 到校學前康復服務與第一層支援服務的融合
5. Properly teach SEN to engage in sports: curriculum, skills, and experiences sharing
適當教授SEN做運動 ~ 課程、技巧及經驗分享
6. Sensory Processing Intervention for Infants / Children Born with Prematurity
如何提升早產嬰兒 / 兒童的感覺訊息處理能力
7. Summer Intensive Physiotherapy Training Program for Children with Physical Handicap (PH)
8. Parenting and Emotional Support for SEN families
SEN 家庭管教及情緒支援策略
Target 對象:

Psychologists, Medical Doctors, Therapists, Social Workers, Nurses, Teachers , Students, Parents and interested parites


Professor David COGHILL
FMFC Chair of Development Mental Health,
Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Department of Paediatrics and Psychiatry,
University of Melbourne, Australia
Ms Lorraine SCOTT
Attention Autism Limited
United Kingdom

Fee (HK$) 費用(港幣)

Full Day 全日 Half Day 半日
Early Bird 早鳥優惠
(Register before 21 December 12月21日之前報名 )
HK$600 HK$320
Regular 正價 HK$650 HK$350
Broadcast 網上播放
(AM: Live streaming (ZOOM), PM: Catch-up
早上:網上直播 (ZOOM), 下午:網上重播)
HK$800 -
Concessionary 優惠人士
(Students, HHS Parents, Disabled, Elderly
學生, 協康會家長, 傷殘人士, 長者)
HK$520 -